About Us
MBMT is proudly organized and executed entirely by students from the Montgomery Blair High School Math Team.Contest Organizers
Mahilan Guha
Yunyi Ling
Michelle Gao
Evan Zhang
Reanna Jin
Alex Zhao
Kele Zhang
Ashley Zhang
Jesse Jing
Problem Writers
We're very thankful to our problem writers, without whom we wouldn't have a contest:
- Evan Zhang
- Chaewoon Kyoung
- Prithvi Ram
- Jeffrey Boman
- Tane Park
- Daniel He
- Tony Song
- Gabriel Phillips
- Michelle Gao
- Ashley Zhang
- Wiliam Zhang
- Skyler Xue
- Megan Hunleth
- Alex Wang
- Thomas Yao
- Chris Wang
- William Roe
- Vivian Lu
- Caleb Fan
- Katherine Wang
- George Xie
- Samuel Wang
- Kevin Feng
- Alice Guo
- Daniel Zhu
- Ivy Guo
- Kele Zhang
- Reanna Jin
- Julian Kovalovsky
- Jai Gupta
- Aiden Liu
- Jason Youm
- Arjun Samavedam
- Valerie Song
- Kevin Shen
- Lewis Lau
- Sam Easaw
- Yunyi Ling
- Rakshay Narayanan
- William Roe
- Mandy Guo
- Aiden Liu
- Tyler Chin
- Ruixi Zhang
- Gugan Thuduppathy
- Andy Yan
This website was developed by Noah Singer '18 (Github: @singerng) and Noah Kim '18 (Github: @noahbkim). It is currently maintained by Alex Zhao '26 (Github: @zeyuanzhao). It's written in Django and hosted on our school servers. The source is on Github.Sponsors
MBMT is sponsored by the Montgomery Blair Magnet Foundation, Wolfram Mathematica, Art of Problem Solving, MCPS Food & Nutrition Services, AwesomeMath, Jane Street, Desmos, and LIVE by Po-Shen Loh.